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API Developer Guide / middleware / pub / service / getLastErrorDump

Service: getLastErrorDump

This service retrieves information about the last error encountered during execution.

Output Parameter:

Name Type Description
lastErrorDump: Document A document containing details about the last error.
localizedMessage: String The localized error message.
cause: Document Information about the error's cause, if available.
localizedMessage: String The localized error message of the inner cause.
cause: Document The cause of the inner cause, if available.
localizedMessage: String The localized error message of the cause.
cause: String Information about the cause's cause, if available.
stackTrace: Document Array An array of stack trace information for the inner cause.
fileName: String The name of the file.
moduleVersion: String The version of the module.
moduleName: String The name of the module.
nativeMethod: String Indicates if the method is native
methodName: String The name of the method.
className: String The name of the class.
lineNumber: Integer The line number in the source code.
classLoaderName: String The name of the class loader.
suppressed: String Array An array of suppressed exceptions.
message: String The error message.
stackTrace : Document Array An array of stack trace information for the error.
fileName: String The name of the file.
moduleVersion: String The version of the module.
moduleName: String The name of the module.
nativeMethod: String Indicates if the method is native.
methodName: String The name of the method.
className: String The name of the class.
lineNumber: Integer The line number in the source code.
classLoaderName: String The name of the class loader.
suppressed: String Array An array of suppressed exceptions.
message: String The error message.
stackTrace: Document An array of stack trace information for the inner cause.
fileName: String The name of the file.
moduleVersion: String The name of the module version.
moduleName: String The name of the module.
nativeMethod: String The name of the native method.
methodName: String The name of the method.
className: String The name of the class.
lineNumber: Integer The line number in the source code.
classLoaderName: String The name of the class loader.
suppressed: String Array An array of suppressed exceptions.
message: String The error message.
meta: Document Additional metadata about the error.
code: String A code associated with the error.